The Evolving Integration of NGS Data into EMRs: Transforming Clinical Research and Precision Medicine

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a technology that allows the rapid sequencing of entire genomes, targeted regions, or specific sets of genes. It represents a significant advancement that enables the parallel sequencing of millions of DNA fragments simultaneously. NGS can be used for a variety of applications, including whole-genome sequencing (WGS), whole-exome sequencing (WES), targeted gene panels, transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq), and epigenetic studies.

These applications are crucial for understanding genetic variation, disease mechanisms, and gene expression. NGS is also widely used in research to identify genetic mutations associated with diseases, understand evolutionary biology, and study population genetics.

In clinical settings, NGS is used to diagnose genetic disorders, identify mutations in cancer, and guide personalized treatment decisions (personalized medicine) based on a patient’s genetic profile. By analyzing the genetic information provided by NGS, healthcare providers can tailor treatments to the individual characteristics of each patient, improving efficacy and reducing adverse effects.


NGS has revolutionized genetic research and it is also transforming clinical research. Over time, the integration of NGS data into Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) has become increasingly valued, providing a key resource for both clinical practice and research. This evolution has significant implications for clinical and biomedical research.


How NGS in EMRs Can Enhance Clinical Research


The availability of NGS data in EMRs provides new opportunities for research, particularly in the areas of personalized medicine, epidemiology, and drug development. This rich source of genetic information, combined with longitudinal clinical data, can drive significant advancements in healthcare.


Large-Scale Genomic Studies: The aggregation of NGS data across large patient populations within EMRs enables researchers to conduct large-scale genomic studies. These studies can identify genetic variants associated with diseases, response to treatment, and other health outcomes, leading to new insights and potential therapeutic targets.


Real-World Evidence (RWE) Generation: NGS data in EMRs can be used to generate RWE, which is increasingly important for understanding how treatments work in diverse, real-world populations. By linking genetic data with treatment outcomes, researchers can identify which genetic factors influence treatment efficacy and safety.


Precision Medicine Initiatives: NGS data in EMRs supports the development of precision medicine approaches, where treatments are tailored to the genetic makeup of individual patients. Future research can leverage this data to refine treatment protocols, improve drug development, and identify new indications for existing therapies.


Longitudinal Genetic Studies: The continuous collection of NGS data in EMRs allows for longitudinal studies that track genetic changes over time. This can provide insights into disease progression, the development of resistance to therapies, and the long-term effects of treatments.


Early Integration of NGS in EMRs: Challenges and Progress


In the early stages, integrating NGS data into EMRs posed significant challenges. These included issues related to data storage, interoperability, and the lack of standardized formats for genetic information. NGS data is inherently complex and large in volume, making it difficult to incorporate into the structured fields of traditional EMRs.


Initial Challenges: Early on, EMRs were primarily designed to handle basic clinical data such as lab results, imaging reports, and physician notes. The inclusion of NGS data, with its need for specialized interpretation and context, often resulted in unstructured data entries that were not easily searchable or analyzable.


Progress and Standardization: Over time, advancements in EMR technology and the development of standardized formats (such as HL7 and FHIR for genomics) have improved the integration of NGS data. This has made it possible to incorporate genetic information in a structured way that is more accessible and useful for both clinicians and researchers.


Current State of NGS Data in EMRs: Enhanced Accessibility and Usefulness


Today, NGS data is increasingly being integrated into EMRs in a way that supports its use in both clinical decision-making and research. Advances in data management, interpretation tools, and interoperability standards have made it possible to include detailed genetic information alongside other clinical data.


Structured Data Entry: NGS results are now more frequently entered into EMRs in structured formats that allow for easy retrieval and analysis. This includes the use of standardized genetic nomenclature, structured reports, and links to external databases that provide additional context for the genetic findings.


Clinical Decision Support: The integration of NGS data into EMRs has been accompanied by the development of clinical decision support tools. These tools use NGS data to inform treatment decisions, such as identifying patients who are likely to respond to targeted therapies or those at risk for certain genetic conditions.


Future Directions and Potential Challenges


As the integration of NGS data into EMRs continues to evolve, there are several key areas that will shape its future impact on research.


Data Privacy and Security: The sensitive nature of genetic data necessitates robust privacy and security measures. Ensuring that NGS data in EMRs is protected while still being accessible for research will be a critical challenge.


Interoperability and Data Sharing: Continued efforts to improve interoperability between different EMR systems and to facilitate data sharing across institutions will be crucial for maximizing the research potential of NGS data.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications: The application of AI and ML to NGS data in EMRs holds great promise for uncovering new patterns and associations that are not apparent through traditional analysis methods.


In conclusion, the integration of NGS data into EMRs has transformed both clinical practice and research. The ability to manage, interpret, and utilize this data has improved together with its potential to drive advancements in personalized medicine, RWE generation, and large-scale genomic studies. Looking ahead, continued innovation in AI, ML, data management, privacy protections, and analytical tools will be essential to fully realize the benefits of NGS data in EMRs for future research and healthcare improvements.





Gibbs, SN et al., Comprehensive Review on the Clinical Impact of Next-Generation Sequencing Tests for the Management of Advanced Cancer. JCO Precis Oncol 7, e2200715(2023). DOI:10.1200/PO.22.00715


Karlovich CA, Williams PM. Clinical Applications of Next-Generation Sequencing in Precision Oncology. Cancer J. 2019 Jul/Aug;25(4):264-271. doi: 10.1097/PPO.0000000000000385. PMID: 31335390; PMCID: PMC6658137.


Qin D. Next-generation sequencing and its clinical application. Cancer Biol Med. 2019 Feb;16(1):4-10. doi: 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2018.0055. PMID: 31119042; PMCID: PMC6528456.