An unmet need in healthcare refers to a gap where current medical knowledge, treatments, or healthcare services do not adequately address a particular condition, disease, or health issue. These unmet needs can arise in various aspects of healthcare, such as the availability of effective treatments, access to healthcare services, or the ability to diagnose and… Continue reading EMA's Strategic Initiatives for Addressing Unmet Medical Needs
Category: Regulatory
Fit-for-Purpose in RWE: Comparing Regulatory Approaches Across Global Agencies
The concept of “fitness-for-purpose” (or fit-for-purpose) is a key definition in regulatory science, as it determines whether the data, methods, or tools used in a study are suitable for their intended purpose. In particular, “fit-for-purpose” in Real-World Evidence (RWE) research refers to the suitability of the data and study design for addressing a study design… Continue reading Fit-for-Purpose in RWE: Comparing Regulatory Approaches Across Global Agencies
Leveraging Natural History of Disease Studies for Integrated Evidence Generation Plans and Regulatory Success
Natural history of disease studies are intended to track the course of a disease by identifying demographic, genetic, environmental, and other variables (e.g., treatments, concomitant medications) that correlate with the disease’s development and outcomes. Natural history of disease studies play a crucial role in integrated evidence generation plans, especially for rare diseases and conditions where… Continue reading Leveraging Natural History of Disease Studies for Integrated Evidence Generation Plans and Regulatory Success
RWD for EMA Regulatory Submissions: Differences in Use for Pre- vs. Post-Approval
Real‐world evidence (RWE) has an increasing role in both pre-, and post- approval applications to support the authorization of new medicines and indications, or to address post-marketing safety concerns. Therefore, the use of Real-World Data (RWD) in regulatory processes at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) varies depending on whether it is being used for… Continue reading RWD for EMA Regulatory Submissions: Differences in Use for Pre- vs. Post-Approval
Process for Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) in France
Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) in France are a key component of the healthcare system, used to evaluate the clinical efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of new medical technologies, including drugs, devices, and procedures. The HTA process in France is highly structured and involves several key organizations, each with distinct roles and responsibilities. 1. High… Continue reading Process for Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) in France